Since that time, I am still learning about Rotary. early on I learned how Rotary is the first and oldest service club in the world, I learned about Rotary’s presence at the founding of the UN and its continuing Observer status even today, about Rotary’s world-changing 25-year commitment to the eradication of polio. I learn more every day about the commitment of over 1.2 million Rotarians around the world who are making positive differences in their communities. Rotary is no longer your grandfather’s club. Rotary is vibrant, active and powerful. Regardless of background, skill, profession, gender, age, race, creed or any of the labels that we all use to define ourselves, if you want to meet others from every walk of life, discover opportunities to touch the world and help others in some way, come and join us for breakfast on a Thursday morning - we’d be honoured to have you as our guest. André Welland |